  • info@achiwaplc.com.et
  • +251-11-47-06-27-21

About Us

Achiwa Coffee and Spice Development and Agro-processing Plc has been underway since the year 2010 (2002 EC) after securing 96 hectare of rural land located in SNNPR, Kaffa Zone, Gewata district in Achiwa kebele. The GPS reading of the site shows 7° 35’ 600” -7° 35’ 940” N latitude and 35° 58′ 500” to 35” 58” 600” E longitude coordinates.

The coffee farm boundaries are farmers holdings in the east, Denio River in the west and south, and Girma coffee farm in the north direction. The farm is just 2 km near Konda town (district’s town), about 520 km distant from Addis Ababa and 165 km from Jimma connected with asphalted road up to Gimbo but it detour to Konda accessed with a gravel road in northwest direction on the way to Masha.

The coffee farm is situated around altitudes ranging between 1650 and 1700 meter above sea level with gentle slope (< 5%) landscape. The soil seems Nitosoil slightly acidic (pH 5.2-5.5) and brownish in colour and appears to be fertile. The vegetation are composed of secondary forest trees locally known as ‘ Sessa ‘ (Albizia spp.), “birbira’ (Milletia sp.), ‘ bisana’ (Chroton sp.) and ‘ boto’ (Schifleria sp.) that are suitable for coffee shade. There are some 2 ha swampy/ wetlands on the river side of the farm. The climatic conditions of the farm is ideal for growing coffee with year round rainfall (up to 1700 mm) and average temperature of 27 °C, respectively.


Our Philosophy

Our Vision

To be a leading quality and fully traceable product exporter company in Ethiopia. 

Our Mission

We sale our product sustainably by being responsible for the interest of our employees, out growers and concerned for community in general; in respect of environmentally, economically and socially in line with providing fully traceable and quality product for our buyers; in accordance with both national and international coffee export business laws. 

Our Export products


Green Coffee Beans


Black Cumin




Black Cardamom


Green Cardamom


Ethiopian Kolo (Roasted Barley)


Ethiopian Injera


Ethiopian Berbere (Hot Chilli Powder)


Ethiopian Shiro


Different Ethiopian Spices Powder

Our Strengths

Quality Production

Our farming process is focused on creating high-quality products that are competitively priced for our customers. We primarily rely on natural methods to ensure that organic products are supplied to the international market.

Skilled Man Power

We have built a skilled man power capable to execute every piece of the work chain with knowledge and professionalism. The staff recognizes the global market demands and delivers with maximum quality to exceed client expectations.

Eco System Friendly Production

We recognize the critical importance of environmental conservation to our clients. In response, we have established a company deeply committed to eco-friendly practices, ensuring that every aspect of our operations respects and protects the ecosystem.

Timely Delivery

We totally understand your biggest expectations apart from our effective production activities and we are ready to fulfil your demands with our timely product delivery. Place your orders and we will make it happen for you. Be a quality partner for a quality vender and maximize your profit.

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